
Posts Tagged ‘makingspaceships’

Digital Kit Bashing Part 2

January 10, 2019 Leave a comment

Part II : Space and Spaceships

Date: Sunday January 13th – 20:00 GMT/12:00 PST/15:00 EST

Missed a part? Buy the “Complete Series” ticket to gain the previous webinar recordings

In this unique webinar series, you’ll learn how to gain much more value from your DAZ Studio product library, extending the usefulness of your existing models. This will help you create innovative and fresh props/scenes all from your existing content. Drew Spence from the Dynamic Universe will include highly recommended resources as part of this comprehensive process to give you “prop permutations” from your library. Save money by utilizing your existing assets to the max!

Digital Kit Bashing Series

What you’ll need for this series:-

  • DAZ Studio
  • Photoshop or a photo-editing program (light use)

Part II is all about the open spaces and the starships that travel across your galaxy. We have in the Daz store space HDRI products and alien-world skydomes. We can create our own galactic backdrop and build on those environments through kit bashing. We can take the post work approach and create our own scenery or add our extra touches directly in DAZ Studio to whatever environment we have chosen to use.

We will cover:

  • The best products and environments to start from and aid in our kit bashing efforts.
  • Software to generate spacescapes, skies, beautiful starfields and more!
  • Creating your own planets and worlds in 2D and 3D.
  • Resources for royalty-free images
  • Generate Spaceships or build them yourself plus the best sites for modular parts and pieces.

You can find other series that Drew Spence has created with Digital Art Live for purchase in the Daz Store. You can take classes, watch tutorials and attend webinars and much more

And, and before I go, they also have a magazine and I am featured in Issue 35, out now. My interview starts on page 35