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Dynamics Plus E.P. drops: Lauryn and other Songs from the Lost Files

Dynamics Plus Lauryn Album Cover

Lauryn and other Songs from the Lost Files

Dynamics Plus releases a song from the Lost Files. “Lauryn” was archived after the A.D. Plus masters were lost in a drive failure.

I sit next to the window that overlooks the parking lot. I watch her come to work every morning. I see her sometimes in the hallway.

Some days she looks okay and other days she looks very sad. When her car was in the shop, her boyfriend started driving her to work. We all found out why she was so sad and realized that she only pretends to have okay days. Her name is Lauryn and I think about her a lot.

Click the arrow to download this song.

Here follows the journal I kept at work.

Journal Entry week of 08.15.11

7:10 Worked out today. Resolution so far so good.

9:30 Yes! I found out that miss L is working in my department Her cubie is across from mine. I’ll be sure to avoid staring and being that creepy guy at the office. Oh wait, I already am. LOLZZZZZ

11:40 just asked to borrow my stapler. Her voice is crazy. I think I’m in love.

1:00 Jaysun is such a fukn clown. Mutha-fukkka stay in yo damn lane.

Thirsty ass. MUHHHHAAA she gave me a look after he left. Priceless.

4:45 “Dear She Goes” She has a sexy walk.

7:45 Skipped workout. Sore as hell-probably best.

10:20 today I’m on the phone and she leans over my shoulder and grabs my stapler. She smells good too. Lollololol.

12:00 the man makes a move. Snagged a stapler at lunch. I bought a stapler at Staples. Lolz. Watch this.

1:00 I’m in. I gave her the tiniest stapler they had and she’s like “Thanks, doesn’t do a whole lot of stapling” I said it’s so you have to keep coming over and borrowing mine. Aww shiY she has a cute laugh too. We gonna get married. Have hella kids.

7:00 Lifted.

9:30 Not in today. Damn. I had the ring and everything. Lolz


7:30 I’m the fukn animal.

10:10 Said her car broke down and G-stale is like where you live? She said she cool. Got a ride. Cuz you know I’ll drive her home.

5:10 WTF she got a man????!!!!!!!! Big black Brock fkn Leznar shows up to sccop her. WTF WTF.

7:30 Lost me mojo. Feel like crapola

10:45 Gail says she been had a man. Wtf they fight all the time. Then she’s like ‘you like ryn?’ and laughs. BYYYTCH!

12:00 back in the game baby. She stays in for lunch. I stay in saying I got a lot of work to do and we kick it. I’ma  fukin genius.

7:30 I’m BEASTIN.

10:30 Countdown to lunch. Lolz.

1:00 she brought me a yogurt. LOVE. G-wale just has to come over. Starts talking food. (Well, what did you expect? Lolz)

6:10 last note. Played myself. L is still there when I leave waiting so does the a-hole turn the car around and ask her if she needs a ride? No. worlds biggest LOSER. Next time.

Week of 9 -12

7:30 Sunday run no lift today.

9:00 She looks like crap today.

5:00 Avoided me all day.

7:00 Sore sore sore

Hump day forreeallll. Gail suggests lunch on Friday at her favorite mex spot. The taco trio. Friday countdown begins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7 no lift

12:15 Un-fukn-beleevable. Dude shows up and takes her to lunch.

Week of 9-19

Monday Blues. No lift.

10:30 Says she forgot her lunch. Says no, her boyfriend would flip. I says old–ass Tony Atlas? She cracks up and says her dad used to watch wrestling and she knows who that is and that her boyfriend isn’t that old. I started killing his country overalls. I said didn’t he get knocked out in Friday? Awwww SHIZZZLE. I made her eyes water. The CHAMPION!

12:30 I’m a smart dude. I brought Chiplote back and she had some.

5:30 Says he’s late sometimes, it’s no big deal. I would nevr be like that.

7:30 Lifted.

11:30 Jojo arguing about nutrition and diet. SMDH

2:30 She’s texting like a beast. Hell yeah, hitting the phone mad hard. I told her typing in all caps is yelling. I said do that since the other person doesn’t know how hard you tapping in the letters. She smiled, and later she sent me an email with lol in it. First non-work related email. Woo-hoo. might send her the one of a kitty playing with a ball of yarn. Or anything with a  puppy in it. Lolz.

9:30 OW WO OWWW G-fail drove her home yesterday. Peep the science. That’s HER car he’s driving. Ohh and the n don’t be coming to her job tp pick her up on time. Big-ass clown crashed his whip. Probably those tightass shirts he wearing, could turn the wheel all the way. Chicks is unbeeeeeleeeeivable.

7:00 weak cardio. Feel like crap.

12:00 Came home. Half day. I’m officially sick. Said she would bring me soup later. Got an email with a soup e-card. She is an ill chick.

Week of 9-26

Sick day.

7:30 skipped. Still recovering- going in.

9:00 not in. hasn’t been in. Gail said she thought we ran off together. I wish.

7:00 Weak but better. The champion is recovering.

9:30 she got shades like a rockstar. She said Out late last night.

2:00 OMG she got a black eye. G-bail gets 10 points for peeping it.

Here’s the thing. Y THAF chicks date losers? I mean realy. It there like a hot chick-ahole magnet? WTF/ boyfriend fail. She’s mad quiet at work so what could be the problem. What problem could there be? I’m going tos end her a txt right now. You.Can. Do. Better.

She replies, thank you but please fall back. Fall back? That’s it. Yous about to fall down. Allright cool. I sent ‘okay. Willing to talk whenever you need’.

Fujin Gfail is like girls like bad boys. No girls like getting cracked in the head. Unbeeeeleeevab;;;;e/

4:30 all the choicks are at the window. Gail is calling me over. BRB

5:00 missed it. The black hulk = bulk was yelling at my wife. G-stale was like “You should go down there and get your asskicked.” I told her have another twinkie.

Week of 10-10

6:00 beastin. Can’t sleep.

9:00 Thought she was out the game for a minute. Lolz. she got a little itsy-bitsy split lip. I don’t even care. My mans said it best. They don’t wanta  good dude. Even if she was with you she’d be cheating on you with a  dude like that. F-it.

5:00 Prince harming is here. Gail is like you can still catcha  ride home with me. Wish I had thought of that. JERK. She said Don’t judge cause you don’t know what it’s like. They roasted her after she left. BYTces aint shiz.

7:30 Back is screwed. Nothing doing.

9:15 Oh snap, she got the Jackie-o shades on.

2:00 OHHH POPWWW. POW. We had the illest moment today. We’re in the kitchen and she’s ignoring me so I ignore her. She grabs my arm and whispers “You were right, I do”. WHAT>>>>>!!! OHHHHHH CHAMPION!!!!!

Nah nah nah na, hey hey hey good bye! Said she’s going to text me over the weekend and she might need a ride or two next week. THE CHAMPION>

3:300 can’t type straight. Man, my brain is blown. This is what’s up.

4:30 Chicks at the window being nosy. Hol up.


You can purchase this release here.  My music is also on iTunes

Thank you for checking out my music.

-Dynamics Plus

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