Home > Dynamics Plus - artist, Lenzmen, News, Video Launches > The Lenzmen -Heartbeat Video drops

The Lenzmen -Heartbeat Video drops

Lenzmen “Heart Beat” on YouTube

Lenzmen: Centri, Dynamics Plus, Earthadox, Dokta Strange. circa…, man a long time ago.

Heartbeat is from the Lenzmen album Scientific Community and Magnify Lenz (double album)

Inspiration came from the Treacherous Three “Feel the Heartbeat” (1981). I reworked the break and added all the other musical elements. We also did some humming in the background. The video uses the 3D models of the Lenzmen, animated in Daz Studio, and synced to a new acapella (Using Studio ID) and then run through an AI filter. Any non-animated elements were generated from scratch. All graffiti was hand drawn in Procreate. I say this looks like what you’d see scribbled in one of my rhyme books.

Lenzmen music is available for purchase and streaming on all digital platforms.

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