
Posts Tagged ‘Fingerprints Album’

Lauryn Grace interview with Studio AVX

Lauryn Grace Botanical Garden
Lauryn Grace – American Recording Artist (Dynamica Music/AVXP)

The Dynamic Universe was blown away by the sound of Quiet Part Loud. Since then, singer/writer Lauryn Grace has released several albums and a week before the release of her fourth studio project, Studio AVX sits down for a talk. There is a break during a photo shoot at a botanical garden on Long Island, New York.

Lauryn is wearing a white sundress and floats into the room. Not far behind is Producer Drew Spence or Dynamics Plus as he’s credited for his work on the new release. It’s called Washed Away and from the early listening, it’s a sonic departure from her previous albums. After exchanging a few pleasantries, we get down to business.

AVX: What’s different about this album, compared to Fingerprints? [Third studio project]

Lauryn Grace: I’d say the modernness of it and the songs are not second-tries. [looks over at Drew Spence]

Drew Spence: The earlier releases were based on old songs being reworked. David Lyon [producer/singer] had a lot of demos that we freshened up and finished. This album has my music- even though some of these records are also really old.

AVX: How did you two meet?

Lauryn Grace: You? Me? Okay. We worked together and Spence was showing everyone his YouTube channel and he does all kinds of music and makes all his own videos. I had a bunch of songs that I never really finished and he offered to finish them. All I had was an old CD and he was like “That’s good enough”. A week later, I hear, well that song didn’t make the album, but he did a whole new version of it.

Drew Spence: I broke the song into pieces and remixed it. It was A LOT of work. I asked about stems and then I connected with David Lyon. He’s a DJ Producer who also sings and they were going to be a group before he went to go do his own thing.

Lauryn Grace album Quiet Part Loud
The first album Quiet Part Loud by Lauryn Grace and David Lyon prod. by Dynamics Plus

AVX: That’s why the first album [Quiet Part Loud] has both their last names.

Lauryn Grace: Lauryn Grace and David Lyon. We were almost ‘Quiet Part Loud’, but Drew was like names would be a better idea so we used it for the album name.

Dynamics Plus and Lauryn Grace
Prod. Dynamics Plus and Lauryn Grace

AVX: What was the recording process like?

Lauryn Grace: Oh, I got a story. Drew is like ‘let’s sit down and go over some ideas and listen to music’. I drive out to Baldwin; this huge studio and I’m immediately intimidated. I normally record my parts at home, in GarageBand, and solo out the tracks and then export. I never recorded in a big studio before.

Drew Spence: C’mon.

Lauryn Grace: No, no, so I find out he’s never been there either and he was trying to make a big first impression.
AVX: So, what happened?

Lauryn Grace: We listened to music and I recorded poetry. Later on, I went to his place and recorded all the songs. It was like walking into Sam Ash.

AVX: Yes, the Fallout [Shelter] is stacked. It’s funny you mention poetry because your songs have a very different cadence.

Lauryn Grace: We sat down, okay, I keep a journal and we turned my old poems into songs. Drew is a great writer. We’ll talk for hours on the phone and the next day he’ll be like “I wrote three songs based on our conversation”. From there, I rework the lyrics into something singable and take out all the tongue-twisty parts.

Watch Lauryn Grace videos on the DynamicaMusic YouTube channel (Like, Comment and Subscribe!)

AVX: What about your music videos?

Lauryn Grace: He’s got stuff where he can take a picture and make it move and then make it look like a cartoon. I’m three or four girls now. [laughs]

Drew Spence: There’s a lot of A.I. going on behind the scenes.

Lauryn Grace: Literally.

AVX: The new album is called Washed Away. What’s the significance of that title?

Lauryn Grace: It’s literal. [group laughter] I believe in self-healing and seasons of change. After I recorded Drowning in Love [second studio album] I just wanted to make something more free. I was a little tired of every song being this deep reflective dive. Let’s lighten it up, Drew baby.

This [Washed Away album] is me- diving back in. I wanted to wash away everything I did before. Old relationships, old thinking and start over fresh. That never really works, but it was a good idea.

Lauryn Grace in a studio.
Lauryn Grace Recording (Not in the fallout Shelter)

AVX: How did you decide on the songs for this album?

Lauryn Grace: He plays a hundred tracks and I say ‘that one’ or ‘maybe’ and he sorts them out. Every so often he tries to sneak in a weird one, but I always know what I heard. [Drew grins]

AVX: And David Lyon is back on this album.

Lauryn Grace: Yeah, we’ve both matured. We have a bunch of songs in the works so, yeah, it’s like all the stuff is finally washed away.

AVX: Some of your writing has a sharp edge. What do you think about the modern dating scene and relationships between –

Lauryn Grace. I don’t. I only know my experiences and my friend’s [experiences]. I think there’s general truths, but I’m no role model.

Drew Spence: That’s not a choice. Role models are picked.

Lauryn Grace: Well, everything is in my music. I say it there.

AVX: What’s next for Lauryn Grace?

Lauryn Grace: A break! [laughter] Drew has a full schedule of projects with all the other artists from Dynamica [music label].

AVX: So, Drew, Drew and Drew.

Lauryn Grace: Basically. I believe we have one more collection of older records coming.

AVX: And how has this year been, so far?

Lauryn Grace. Dreamy. I feel like a superhero with a secret identity. In the daytime she’s a Microbiologist and at night she fights crimes of the heart as Lauryn Grace, the Dynamic Vocalist. [Drew smiles] You know he likes that.

AVX: Lauryn and Drew, thanks for your time. The new album from Lauryn Grace is called Washed Away and is set for release on July 1st and will be available on all major digital platforms.

Lauryn Grace album cover Washed Away
The fourth studio album- Washed Away will be available on all major digital platforms.

You may have broken away, free and clear- and become a new person. Sometimes the fingerprints of old memories are hard to remove. Pop-styled songstress Lauryn Grace returns with her fourth studio project Washed Away. The album features David Lyon from her breakout recordings as Grace Lyon.

In this offering, Lauryn Grace easily swings from Electronica, to beats-infused contemporary Soul Music. The producers, the Fallout Shelter’s Dynamics Plus, Domino Grey and Drew Spence, keep it Lo-Fi, Retro and delightfully Experimental. Collect this eclectic collection.

Lauryn Grace on Apple Music

Lauryn grace on Spotify

Video Release: Lauryn Grace – Me Heart is Beating Quickly

Lauryn Grace releases a new video.

“My Heart is Beating Quickly” from the album Fingerprints captures the motion and emotion of a heart beaten by lies and the strength it takes to walk away.

Lauryn Grace music is available wherever fine digital music is purchased or streamed.
Apply Music/iTunes

Song Lyrics My Heart is Beating Quickly

My heart is beating so quickly
Thinking about all the lies you told me
I gave you everything, my love so freely
But all you did was listen and not hear

My heart is beating so quickly
But I know I’ll find my strength
I won’t let your lies define me
I’ll stand tall, set myself free

You said you loved me, promised forever
I believed every word, each moment together
But now I’m left here feeling so lonely
Realizing the truth hurts more than I can bear

I’m tired of living in this fear
I need to break free, make things clear

I know the journey won’t be easy
But I’ll face it head-on, you’ll see
No more looking back, just ahead
To a future where my heart can rest.

For all things The Dynamic Universe: